On Saturday 4 November 2023,the 4th Mr. and Miss Green World South Africa Beauty Pageant is organized at the Green World Head Office at Park Town Johannesburg, South Africa.

The Event went well with contestants modelling in their different attires from casual, traditional and formal wear overwhelming judges and the crowd of distributors and Head Office staff who kept on clapping, ululating and chanting the names of the contestants in applaud and amazement. The climax of the Event was the impromptu question and answer session to test the participants knowledge about Green World thereby determining the winners.

The first Price of King was won by renowned Senior Trainer Mr. Wiseman Marongere and he was named Mr. Green World of 2023. Pretoria market young and radical Networker, the powerful Green World youth Movement founder Shantel Chinherera stood above the rest on women’s group and won the championship becoming the New Queen and Miss Green World of 2023.

The King and Queen each received R10 000 Price, ribbon and crown from the Company. Mr. Tawanda Maphosa and Mr. Sipho Khumalo got the first and second prince respectively on men’s group while Miss Primrose Ntobela and Miss Linda Mbele won the first and second princess on women’s group. Both first Prince and Princess received R5000 each while the second Prince and Princess received R3000 each.

More new people got attracted to Green World as the Event photos were shared on different social media platforms. Indeed Green World is a microcosm of International society with people welcome from all over the world to come and experience good Health, Excitement and Quality Lifestyle.