Green World Johannesburg Branch takes action and gives back to the community for ‘Mandela Day’ 67 minutes!

Every year on Mandela Day, 18 July, Green World Company gives 67 minutes to help make our country a better place. This year we want to honor Madiba’s legacy of kindness and service to others by doing more for children of South Africa.

Green World Company outreach to celebrate the Mandela day at Olieven-hood, an NGO called Dimphonayna Tsa Lapeng. This is a brief history of Dimphonyana Tsa Lapeng.

Dimphonyana Tsa Lapeng started as a nursery and pre-school catering for 6 months to 6 years and in 2004 expanded its services by catering a place of safety for abused children affected by HIV/AIDS as well as children and Mothers at risk. Dimphonyana Tsa Lapeng is currently home to over 50 children, 32 of whom live there permanently and 35 are temporary residents from the age of six (6) to twenty-three (23) years of age. The home is completely self-funded and was started by the Teffo Family who are residents of Olieven houtbosch.

We manage to donate Green World Natural Herbal Products for children. We gave 1 Box of Calcium; 1 Box of Multi-vitamins and we also manage to donate grocery (food) parcels and we did our 67 minutes by helping with cleaning and playing with kids. Green World Products are 100% organic and natural, they do not have any side effects, they deal with the roots cause of the disease. That is why we say from Nature, Beyond Nature, and Back to Nature!

We believe not only that ‘Mandela Day’ brings closer but it also allows all of us the opportunity to understand the challenges that the less privileged face on a daily basis. It is very important to give back to your community no matter who you are. Our icon fought for freedom and human dignity and we need to continue this work in order to create a better society. Together with our partners, we can make that such a human spirit is never forgotten and continues to live on for the benefit of our children and future generations.

The Nelson Mandela Day Nelson Mandela Day (18 July) is a day celebrated because he was a hero and a freedom fighter. His everlasting efforts were recognized to the nation hence his day is being celebrated to give back to communities. Nelson Mandela was a philanthropist and all he ever wanted was to see peace and harmony amongst his fellow citizens. The Nelson Mandela day is an exact resemblance of how he lived his life and for that, we shall forever be grateful.

Nelson Mandela day is one of those days that brings back a lot of wonderful memories because it is good to gather around as human beings to help one another because at the end of the day Simunye (we are one). If every day could be a Nelson Mandela Day, we would be at a better place because we would always do our best to help those that cannot do much to get utilities. Nelson Mandela saw himself first and foremost as a servant of South Africa’s people, to whom he felt he owed a duty, and who he led by example.

The genesis of our mandate as the Nelson Mandela Foundation and our work stems from Mandela’s passing on the torch of public service to everyone. “It is in your hands to make of our world a better one for all,” he said. Positive change was the gift left to all of us by Nelson Mandela, but it can only become a living legacy if we take up his challenge. In the spirit of Madiba and his vision to spread social justice and freedom for all, always engage in charity events and activities to give back to the community for a good course.

He was a hero while he was alive, and in his death, he still remains a hero.