On 18th November, 2017, the fully prepared opening ceremony of Green World Indonesia Medan Branch was ceremoniously staged, which was attended by over 80 top distributors from Medan and surrounding regions. Mr. Junxian Song, general manager of Green World Indonesia Branch was present in the ceremony in person, along with Mr. Tony, Mr. Junai and Mr. Tommy from Green World Indonesia, Mr. Alex, manager of Green World Indonesia Medan Branch, and Mr. David, financial manager of Green World Indonesia Medan Branch.

At 10 o’clock, the opening ceremony officially started. Mr. Junxian Song, general manager of Indonesia Branch, Mr. Alex, general manager of Indonesia Medan Branch, Mr. Tony, Mr. Junai, Mr. Tommy from Indonesia Branch, cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony, announcing the formal establishment of Medan Branch.

After the jolly ribbon cutting ceremony, Mr. Junxian Song, general manager of Indonesia Branch, delivered an address, bringing great encouragement and impetus to the present distributors. Distributors expressed their high recognition and gratitude to Green World with enthusiastic applause.

The opening ceremony of Green World Indonesia Medan Branch was a great success. We may Green World Indonesia Medan Branch have a good start and a great development.