November 18th, 2017, while Green World Top Leaders worldwide celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Green World Africa, Green World Pakistan branch took the benefit of the great moment by holding Green World Pakistan Top Leaders Special Training in Metropole Hotel, Murree mountain. With the fresh air and chilling weather, cheerful Green World Top Leaders of Pakistan from many cities arrived in the venue at Metropole Hotel, Murree.

Metropole Hotel, Murree; Cheerful Green World Pakistan Leaders Green World Pakistan Top Leaders Training took two sessions. The first session we started with Special Health Training from Dr. Simon Alfred PhD, MBBS, Green World 7 Star Leader from Lahore. Dr Simon Alfred briefly conducted the training of Green World Health Awareness Programme, as Green World distributors we have to deliver the health education and health awareness to Pakistani people and provided the information on Green World health nutrition product series to help and promote people’s health.

Dr Simon Alfred PhD MBBS deliver the Green World Health Awareness Programme Dr Simon Alfred continued to explain the difference benefit and reaction between using allopathic medicine and Green World herbal nutrition products. As explained that allopathic medicine are using for sick care, meanwhile Green World herbal nutrition products are using for health care. And without side effect and contradiction, Green World health products can be widely used to maintain health state.

Mr. Haroon Rashid and Madam May Simon giving the wonderful products testimonial With respective consideration of Dr Simon Alfred PhD MBBS for his great contribution of Green World development in Pakistan by providing continuous Health Awareness Programme trainings and widely open Green World clinics throughout Lahore together with his teams to provide health service for society of Lahore and for his dedication on educating people and Green World distributors worldwide through his facebook page of Green World Health Academy, on behalf of Green World Group International, Mr. Budiman presented an exclusive Award Certificate for Dr. Simon Alfred PhD MBBS as “Green World Best Inspiring Leader 2017”.

Dr Simon Alfred PhD MBBS receiving the award of “Green World Best Inspiring Leader 2017” with Mr. Budiman, Training Marketing Manager and Mr. Yin Hang, Pakistan Branch Manager After the short snack and tea break, Green World Top Leaders Special Training continued with Mr. Budiman P. SE, MBA, Green World Training & Marketing Manager, with the Special Business Training to all Green World Pakistan Leaders.

Mr Budiman reminds the importance of Green World vision, mission and core values Mr. Budiman also explained the importance of belief on company, products and business in order to achieve highest success level. And to achieve a life changing success in Green World business, Mr. Budiman explained the business strategy in running the business, as Mr. Budiman clearly demonstrated one of the strategy of duplication called EZ System. After experiencing the demonstration training, all the leaders have fully understand on how to grow the business on the right way. And they were all ready to accomplish higher level mission of success together with Green World.

Mr. Budiman demonstrating the EZ System of Duplication to build the business The session ended with high motivation and full knowledge on how to build bigger business to achieve highest success. Green World Top Leaders Special Training ended with Certificate recognition to all participant leaders by Mr. Budiman and Mr. Yin Hang, Green World Pakistan Branch Manager.